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Lysmo is one of the most complex and fun clock gear kits that is made with one-color wood all the way through. The Japanese washi tape is usually red with a "L" on it, but the manufacturer shipped the kit with all rolls of washi with "L"s on them in various colors. The other reason why I have included the Lysmo clock kit is so that you can understand the complexity of woodiocks construction. The Lysmo was sold for a very small amount of money when new but now that it is so coveted and the price so high, there will be no way to sell it at a reasonable price if you already have it. Therefore, it is the best time to make your own knowledge of woodiocks possible and very inexpensive, as it would cost you an arm and a leg to have one. The Lysmo kit includes one weight-bearing main gear, two pinion gears, two clock dials, two clock pendulums and a large black and white washi tape that encompasses the entire clock. Other clocks not mentioned in the Lysmo kit are not included in this article.
Wood error correction: Imperfections in the wood somehow end up affecting gear teeth and causing unbalancing of the gear. A spacer of some kind can expand and contract a bit, and the resulting unevenness of the spacing between teeth can be eliminated by checking a little thicker of a tooth next to an unbalanced tooth. For example, by using a drill bit slightly thicker than normal. Accordingly, cutting from one side of the die and on each side of the die will stake out a section of flat, balanced wood. Determining the grain of the wood should be an easy process using a dolly or other flat surface with even pressure. d2c66b5586